In Christ, The Catholic Foundation in the Archdiocese of Dubuque (CFAD) assists donors in creating a meaningful and lasting impact through legacy giving and charitable fund management to provide for the long-term needs of Catholic organizations, mainly those located in the area of the Archdiocese of Dubuque. You can have a lasting impact on the Catholic Church and its ministries. We bring you the tools to help you:
Endow a legacy based in Catholic values
Maximize tax advantages
Ensure your directives are carried out
Help the Catholic mission endure
Benefits of Charitable Planning
with CFAD
Best-practice Driven for Investments
CFAD and our investment consultant take very seriously the intent of donors and the required laws related to investing these donations, including regularly reviewing the needed investment policy and having a diversified portfolio to minimize risk and maximize return.
Personal or Family Legacy
We help you benefit an organzation in perpetuity while embodying your values.